how to make a quarter wavelength monopole antenna in cst?

Quarter wavelength monopole antenna in CST 

In this blog you will learn how to design a quarter wavelength monopole antenna at any band. The method to design this antenna requires two steps. Theoretical calculations and CST MWS design with results analysis

1. Theoretical Calculations: 

For designing any half wave or quarter wave antenna you must know this basic formula which is lambda= c/f. Here c is the speed of light and f is the resonance frequency where you want design or make the antenna. If you want to design quarter wavelength dipole antenna you need length and radius of that antenna so by using above formula calculate the length which is just lambda/4. Next to length you need radius of antenna which can be calculated simply as 5% of quarter wavelength. Moreover this antenna also need ground plan which can be circular or square. if you opt for square shape you should keep the dimensions as 0.5 times of lambda. The gap between ground and antenna can be  0.1 or 0.2cm. 

2. Quarter wave antenna design in CST MWS:

As the designing process contains a lot of steps which cannot be explained step by step in blog so here is YouTube video which I have made. This includes complete information from start to end.

3. Results Analysis: 

The necessary results of quarter wavelength monopole antenna are given and discussed below.

3.1 Return Loss

3.2 Impedance of antenna

3.3 E and H field of antenna

3.4 3D Radiation pattern of antenna

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