Propagation in multilayered media with the transfer-matrix method

Reflectance calculation using Fresnel equations involves determining the reflection of light when it hits an interface between two different media. The Fresnel equations provide the reflectance for both perpendicular (s-polarized) and parallel (p-polarized) light components.

Fresnel Equations

For an interface between two media with refractive indices n_1 and n_2, and an incident angle θi:

Perpendicular (s-polarized) Light

The reflectance Ris given by: Rs=n1cosθin2cosθtn1cosθi+n2cosθt2R_s = \left| \frac{n_1 \cos \theta_i - n_2 \cos \theta_t}{n_1 \cos \theta_i + n_2 \cos \theta_t} \right|^2

Parallel (p-polarized) Light

The reflectance RpR_p is given by: Rp=n2cosθin1cosθtn2cosθi+n1cosθt2R_p = \left| \frac{n_2 \cos \theta_i - n_1 \cos \theta_t}{n_2 \cos \theta_i + n_1 \cos \theta_t} \right|^2

Here, θt\theta_t is the angle of transmission (refraction), which can be found using Snell's Law: n1sinθi=n2sinθtn_1 \sin \theta_i = n_2 \sin \theta_t

Total Reflectance

For unpolarized light, the total reflectance RR is the average of RsR_s and RpR_p: R=Rs+Rp2R = \frac{R_s + R_p}{2}


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